Andrew Corcoran

musical direction - piano/keyboards - higher education

Press Night

Seven weeks have slipped by since we began rehearsals for Crazy For You. It was a first day of introductions, a peak at the set & costume designs and a chance for everyone to learn a dance number together. We moved into the Gillian Lynne Theatre on 12th June to slowly tech through the show, adding lights, sound, costume, crew & orchestra, and the first preview was rapturously received by a full house on the 24th.

After some small tweaks to the show during the preview period, we have reached press night, when we officially “freeze” the show and the main creatives depart for their homes back in the US. Our work on the show outside of performances doesn’t stop; we continue with understudy rehearsals for the next few weeks, and I have the small matter of conducting the show to learn/get right this week!

It’s my first time working at the Gillian Lynne Theatre - a slightly strange design as the stage is actually three or four floors up, with the band platform two floors higher than that still! The orchestra are also ‘technically’ front of house, which has the advantage of being able to see friends and family in the foyer before the show and at the interval. We then disappear into our specially-built room for the show proper - a platform suspended above one of the wings, thankfully with its own supply of air conditioning!

It is also great to be back in this part of the West End. Taking a right out of stage door, the streets become very familiar after my months and years working at the Cambridge Theatre just down the road. It’s great to see that some of my favourite cafes and restaurants from those times are still going strong, whilst also getting to try out loads of new places. And as a way of helping the local economy, loads of establishments are offering us discounts and special memberships - a great way to feel welcome as a worker in the West End once again!

Bidin' My Time

My move back to London is complete! I am now a resident of N20, some eight miles north of the West End and almost ready to return to Theatreland. In two weeks’ time, rehearsals begin for Crazy For You, with opens at the Gillian Lynne Theatre this summer, and should keep me nice and busy through until early next year.

The music of George Gershwin was sumptuously arranged 30 years ago into this monster of a show, and contains my favourite dance break of all time in the end-of-Act-One I Got Rhythm number, which skips through a myriad of Gershwin quotes on its way to a sure-fire ovation. The full musical contains many, many more dance arrangements and songs, and April has seen me effectively chained to my piano as I steadily get all 258 pages of the piano/vocal score under my fingers.

I studied Gershwin at university as part of my practical performance, emerging from Huddersfield with a first-class degree having performed Rhapsody in Blue with the in-house symphony orchestra. My prep for this show has really evoked those wonderful years studying music, getting back into the mindsets both of how I approach piano practice and that of the composer/pianist Gershwin himself. This production of Crazy For You has already completed a run at Chichester’s Festival Theatre, so for this transfer I am making sure I can hit the ground running on that first day of rehearsals!

Away from that, April was a mixture of spending time with my folks in Cheshire between trips down to London with the car full of boxes & clothes, and a brief but hugely welcome return to Edge Hill University to accompany the final-year Musical Theatre students at their Showcase. This is the cohort who started at the same time I did, when I was first an Associate Tutor there back in October 2020, so it has been wonderfully cathartic to see them through to this moment, and I wish them all every success in their degrees and careers beyond.

So the first part of May will of course involve more show prep, but I am looking forward to settling into my new flat, catching a handful of shows and enjoying Eurovision from Liverpool, before rehearsals take up pretty much all of my time!

Pressing On

Another show done. Girl From The North Country was quite an experience - quite different to any other production I have worked on, being largely a play with a handful of songs. I was fascinated by it on various fronts: watching the acting process up close through rehearsals and from my vantage point on-stage in performance; playing acoustically with fellow musicians rather than using click tracks or headphones; touring with a show during the tail-end of a pandemic, and balancing the role of Musical Director and the welfare of my colleagues on a fairly long run on the road with my own welfare. I always say I like to learn something from every contract that I do that I can take with me onto future productions, and this show certainly allowed that!

We finished the tour by playing Leicester’s amazing Curve theatre, where the show sounded and looked utterly gorgeous, with an equally lovely week in Wimbledon. Being close to London, the vibe understandably changed as much of the company commuted, many friends and industry people came to watch, and the producers gave us a gala night send-off with a post-show party. The final day, inevitably, came and went rather quickly, but with two fine performances to round off the run.

I actually booked proper digs for Wimbledon - a one-bed place in nearby Mitcham - as I still don’t have a place of my own to commute from, but I extended the booking for a few nights after the tour so that I could do some proper flat viewings in anticipation of a move back to London over the next few weeks. The search looks to have paid off, as I managed to view 8 properties in person over the course of a few days before heading back to Cheshire. I got great vibes from one place in North London, so my offer is in for that place and all being well I will be able to start moving stuff in later this month!

April, otherwise, is very much dependent on how the move to London goes. I have a little bit of work back at Edge Hill University, as I accompany the final year Musical Theatre students at their showcase at the Everyman Theatre, Liverpool, otherwise much of my work is score-learning for my next show (still to be announced). I have plans to slot in a long-overdue spa break with my mum (my birthday present to her from over a year ago!) and enjoy the Easter break properly, but will largely just be seeing how April pans out! I hope you all have a lovely Easter, wherever you’re spending it.


Our tour of Girl From The North Country rattles along, with performances in Bristol from tomorrow. We also squeeze in visits to Birmingham, Belfast, Aberdeen and Norwich into the shortest month of the year. We’re not hanging about, that’s for sure!

The show has just had a rather intriguing visit to Chichester. The design of its Festival Theatre does not include a fly tower or a proscenium arch, meaning that fundamental parts of our show’s design had to be adapted especially for the venue. A lot of hard work at the beginning of the week to implement changes really paid off, as we presented a “thrust stage” version of the piece, with audience on three sides. The show worked brilliantly in this setting, with every performance (almost at capacity every single night) receiving standing ovations. We left Chichester a very happy company!

We also played Liverpool and Sheffield during January. Audiences in the north have been equally positive, with an added bonus that colleagues and students from my previous place of work - Edge Hill University - were able to pop along to watch. I was also able to visit them one afternoon while in Liverpool to see how the third year students (who I have followed right through from their first year) were getting on with rehearsals for their big production, the world premiere of a new musical Pop Art.

But before all of this restarted, and after my visit to Tokyo, I was able to squash in a weekend visit to Stuttgart, Germany, where my sister is currently performing in Palazzo. Her daughter and husband are with her as well, and I was able to time my visit at the same time as my parents were visiting, allowing our whole immediate family to be together having missed the opportunity over Christmas.

There are only seven venues left to visit on this tour. None of us are really ready to say goodbye to this show yet, which may well be a blessing in disguise, but there is a real family feel on this show. I feel very lucky to still be having such an amazing time on this production. I am however starting to plan how the rest of 2023 pans out… watch this space!

The Tour Continues

A small update this month as the tour of Girl From The North Country continues to roll around the UK. We are very lucky to have been able to visit the likes of Bath, Edinburgh and Cheltenham in the past month, with more lovely cities still awaiting us later in the tour. In some ways it’s a shame to only be in each venue for a few days, but there’s always a different feel to a weekly tour, as you daren’t fully unpack your suitcase ready for the next dash across the country!

We have had sporadic rehearsals as we continue to keep our understudies at the top of their game, as well as recently welcoming a new company member. A few of us are also prepping a concert, to be performed for students at the University of Huddersfield as part of a series of masterclass recitals, which we are delighted to be a part of.

This month we visit some old reliable venues - the likes of Plymouth, Milton Keynes, Woking and Bradford, with plans surely to enjoy a curry or two at that last one! Hope to see some of you as we continue our romp across Britain.

"Not What I Was Expecting"

The tour is up and running in earnest, now. We have sped through York, Glasgow & Salford, and complete our run in Newcastle this weekend. Four beautiful venues ticked off, with many more thankfully still to come! Audience buzz has been fascinating to hear, whether it be in the auditorium when watching (now that I have the fabulous Alan Berry & Luke Holman both up and running as cover conductors), outside the theatre after a performance, or on social media. I have overheard the phrase “not what I was expecting” more often than not, thankfully in a positive tone!

It was a somewhat strange month, though, with the death of Queen Elizabeth II dominating the airwaves. The funeral didn’t have a huge effect on the run of Girl From The North Country as we weren’t scheduled to perform that day anyway, and audiences seemed to appreciate the escapism that the show offers. It has been lovely to see familiar faces coming to watch, with one or two even booking again immediately after watching, planning to bring more people to see the show! I’m so glad that it resonates with my friends and family in the same way it has with me.

October is more of the same, as we travel to Bath, Nottingham, Edinburgh and Cheltenham all within the space of this month. The challenge at the moment is squeezing the show into smaller houses like Bath and Cheltenham, whilst also expanding it for the likes of Salford and Edinburgh. Our tech teams continue to work their magic in this regard, with the show looking and sounding fabulous every time.

Finally I’m delighted to be once again taking part in the MD Mentorship Scheme in its second year, with plans already to meet my current mentee, Rob, in person this month so that we can get cracking on various projects.

(North) Country Life

Last month, it felt like my two worlds of work bumped up against each other.

The current semester at Edge Hill University came to an end with various assessments across the Musical Theatre course. Most of my time was spent with the second years, who rounded out this part of their course with a sing-through of Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens, a presentation of popular musicals (this year’s were Rocky Horror Show, Half a Sixpence and Heathers) and debuts of their own musical theatre creations. The students stepped up brilliantly and are well set-up for what will no doubt be a fabulous final year.

I took some time at my parent’s house in the Cheshire countryside to finish up my marking commitments and ready myself for the next adventure, both packing, prepping and simply resting up after a rather full-on few months of freelancing & tutoring. As great as it was to be so busy, the reset was very welcome!

And on May 16th, rehearsals began for Girl From The North Country. A play by Conor Macpherson, it has songs by Bob Dylan peppered throughout. This is its third UK outing and the sixth worldwide, and will mark the first time the show has played Dublin (as well as the rest of the UK outside of London). The production is less remounted each time, more rebuilt around the performers involved, and it makes for a fascinating process. I have the absolute pleasure of working alongside Simon Hale, the music supervisor and orchestrator/arranger of the music throughout the show. I try to learn something new from every production I am involved in, and on this one I have felt like a 6 foot tall sponge every day, taking in as much information about the piece as I can. The cast are already stupendous - they need to be seen & heard to be believed - and the support and belief in the room every minute of each day is palpable.

We are now on a Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday pause (another welcome rest), and on our return have two more weeks in our London rehearsal venue, the second of which involves the rest of the musicians (who join the action on stage throughout). We then head to Dublin for a week of tech and previews before our official opening later this month. See you soon, Ireland!


April was quite the city-hopping month, as I visited London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin (to name the slightly more glamorous ones). It was my first time back on a plane since the pandemic began, and although the likes of pre-departure tests and passenger locator forms are largely a thing of the past, mask-wearing was still a requirement on the trips. It was lovely to see cities that I hadn’t visited in years, as the Dreamgirls tour visited Edinburgh and I was sent across to Ireland for an appearance on RTÉ’s The Late Late Show to promo my next show (watch the YouTube clip here). It was just lovely to enjoy some haggis and whisky in the former, and a pint or two of the black stuff in the latter!

At Edge Hill University, the students are deep into their practical assessments. The third years got to perform a showcase at the Liverpool Everyman - a gorgeous evening of Rodgers & Hammerstein music arranged for two pianos - while the second years still have Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens to work towards in May. I am winding up my regular involvement on the course as the university prepares for its long summer break, although I certainly hope I am allowed back on occasion whenever my schedule allows!

Finally I took the opportunity to return to my am dram routes, playing on a production of Calendar Girls at The Met in Bury, Lancashire. It’s always so lovely seeing so many familiar faces and to appreciate the sheer strength of talent on show.

I have a couple more weeks of assessments at Edge Hill before heading south mid-May to start rehearsals - I’ll finally be back working on my own show!

More of the Same

Another month juggling six shows and university commitments, forcing me to really make the most of any free time I have left - active relaxing, perhaps? Things were complicated mid-March somewhat by various shows being hit with covid-positive incidents, and I helped to cover where I could. At one point I seemed to be a close contact almost every day, but thankfully it seems my recent bout of Omicron has meant I have stayed negative and able to work.

I am trying to be more mindful of spreading myself too thinly, while still committing as regular as I can to the shows I actively deputise on, although it seems the biggest energy drain is the sheer distances needed to travel, and the long days the create. Last week involved a 20-hour day, for example! Not exactly sustainable. There is an end in sight, though, as Edge Hill University reaches its assessment period post-Easter, before hitting the summer break. Thankfully, though, each day I have spent either covering at Matilda, another show, or at Edge Hill has been a real joy and well worth the commitment!

As seems regular for me now, I am using the Easter holiday break from university to cram in some more shows, including a visit to Edinburgh for the first time in a long while. But my hope is I can chill out a little more between each performance. I am also hoping to start making plans for a show of my own, slated for later in the year! Stay tuned…

Here, There, Everywhere

While Edge Hill university has a reading week, meaning I’m not required in-person on campus, I have decided to “holiday” back at my old job, playing Bedknobs & Broomsticks in Liverpool, conducting Matilda over the weekend, popping up to play Dreamgirls in Sunderland, across to Cheltenham to hammer out the piano part for Chicago and returning back to London to familiarise myself with the keyboards of Mary Poppins, before another weekend of Matilda fun. Until theatre wants me back full-time, I will make my own full-time work out of all of this, thank-you-very-much.

In a “regular” week (whatever that’s meant to mean) I am settling into a pattern of tutoring at Edge Hill in Lancashire in the week and playing on Matilda the Musical in London every weekend. So far it’s going well, even with the 6am starts for university and 11:30pm home-times from the show, but I am trying to be mindful of not overdoing it. It has meant less chance to pop out for a walk or a run, and my list of TV programmes and films to watch is getting ridiculous (time to start sacrificing some of those, unfortunately!). My parents have moved “Sunday roasts” to a Monday (my day “off”) and I am missing my niece’s 3rd birthday today due to work commitments. I keep reminding myself of the weeks and months on-end of sitting at home through lockdowns and am very thankful to be busy once again, but perhaps this rather fast-paced start to post-pandemic life needs to calm down a little as we head into spring!

Indeed, March sees the pattern of weekday university work and weekend theatre work remain, with the final year Musical Theatre students preparing for a showcase in just over a month’s time. I also hope to start planning for the months ahead, as more and more theatre productions are remounted across the UK.

Different Hats

Thankfully my work diary wasn’t as up-ended this month as it was over Christmas, and everything went ahead as expected, with the odd covid-related dash to cover a show thrown in here or there for good measure. Notably, I played my first performance on the Keys 2 chair at Dreamgirls - a show that I have wanted to play for YEARS - as well as Keys 1 of Bedknobs & Broomsticks, returned to the Chicago tour in Birmingham to fill in on the piano chair for a week, and revisited the score of Matilda the Musical in preparation to play/conduct the West End run on occasion from February onwards. Pretty much every week has involved some “first show nerves” somewhere, somehow, and I feel as though I have been practising for one very very very long musical these past few months! But I really wouldn’t have it any other way right now, especially as I get to play some beautiful scores, with great musicians and singers, and see loads of friends & familiar faces for the first time since the pandemic hit.

Much of the month, though, was dedicated to rehearsing and workshopping a brand new musical by creative duo Ollie Hancock & Ed Payne. They had tasked the third year cohort at Edge Hill University with a script and score for The Girl In The Hat, a passion project of theirs over the past few years that had never been staged before. The true story of fashion icon Isabella Blow and her demise, it was a fascinating process brought to life with incredible costumes and hats by the in-house wardrobe department helmed by the fabulous Dawn Summerlin. The photo below is one of several designs used throughout the performance:

The students lapped up the entire process, and I think surprised themselves with what they were all truly capable of. It will be fascinating to see what happens with the piece in the future, especially as musicals about the fashion industry are few and far between.

February sees the students back to earth with a bump as a new semester full of new modules, lectures and assessments gets underway. I am dividing my time largely between Edge Hill in Lancashire and the Cambridge Theatre in London as my involvement at Matilda the Musical increases somewhat. Thankfully I have found a lovely place to stay just north of London to ease the ‘commute’ across the country for these next few weeks/months! Hopefully the M6 will be kind and my little BMW stays in one piece.


Well, December didn’t really happen as initially planned. I have never known my diary to fluctuate so much, with last-minute SOS calls as musicians are forced to isolate, phone calls to say shows are cancelled all over the place, even while en route to the theatre on more than one occasion, and the greatest plot twist when I contracted Covid-19 myself just before Christmas, emptying my diary for the week in a flash and forcing me into one room for pretty much the entire holiday. What times we live in! Thankfully I was asymptomatic, if rather bored.

I managed to play a grand total of one-and-a-half performances in the whole of the month, as I returned to deputising on Mary Poppins in London and a night of Bedknobs & Broomsticks was curtailed due to a technical fault. Thankfully, Edge Hill University had enough going on to keep me amused as students worked towards assessment deadlines. I even had time to see my sister in pantomime, play piano for a lovely choral Christmas concert and catch Back To The Future in London and Dreamgirls UK Tour in Liverpool, both of which were brilliant spectacles of live theatre.

But here we are, 2022, and we’re all desperately hoping that we can turn a corner in this pandemic and have more guarantee of work as we edge through the year. It’s notable how few “new show” announcements there have been recently, as producers maybe wait for the right moment, but for now I do at least have a handful of shows to freelance on, as well as my continuing part-time work at Edge Hill. I’m looking at my diary for January and just hoping the majority of what is in there goes ahead! A very Happy New Year to you all.

Matilda 10 & Remembering André

Jitters within the industry returned in the last few days as a new virus variant started doing the rounds. An increasing number of theatres have decided to make masks mandatory, and the university I tutor at is all set to bring back similar requirements should the government announce it. However, all is still going to plan on campus and on the various shows I freelance on, for now!

November was the now-usual mixture of deputising on various shows - with the addition of the utterly brilliant Addams Family tour to my diary - and continuing to work with Edge Hill students on their various degree modules. The third years are making decent progress with rehearsals for a workshop of The Girl In The Hat, with the composer and lyricist making a special visit to see it all coming together for themselves. It’s a fascinating process which everyone is enjoying, with a presentation of the show in Edge Hill University’s very own Rose Theatre slated for later next month.

I also had a trip to London to reunite with my extended Matilda The Musical family, as the West End run celebrated 10 years with a special gala performance. The day was tinged with sadness due to the death last year of one of its producers, André Ptaszynski. André also looked after our UK Tour a few years back, and it was always a delight to have him visit as he was always so friendly and calming. There was a special memorial concert earlier in the day at which friends & family spoke, the cast of Matilda sang and the likes of Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Minchin performed special material. It was lovely to share memories of both André and Matilda with great friends who I hadn’t seen in a while. I even found time to catch another West End show, slipping into the back of the stalls to see what all the (well-deserved) fuss was all about with Frozen!

December looks to be more of the same. While both Chicago and Addams Family take Christmas breaks, Bedknobs & Broomsticks takes up residency in Leeds Grand Theatre for the month, so I will be popping in there on occasion. Edge Hill University will also wind up for the Christmas break eventually, so there’s the real danger of me having a second relaxing Christmas holiday in a row!