If Ever There Was a Lull...
If ever there was a lull during this tour of Matilda, this was that month. Milton Keynes has been relatively easy-going: rehearsals are pretty much done and the theatre is more than well-equipped to deal with a large show like ours. Most importantly, the air conditioning works! Very useful during this rather elongated heatwave that the UK is enjoying.
Of course, by "lull", there has still been much to do. More of our understudies have been getting a chance to get on stage, and many technical departments have used the opportunity to train up new and existing personnel into specific roles on the tour. On the music side, Phil Cornwell has successfully joined us as one of our conductors, taking the helm for a couple of performances here in MK.
Audiences here have been great, as ever. It's also been lovely to live out in the suburbs around Milton Keynes this time, rather than commuting. The weather has helped, of course, but all the walking and cycling routes have been great to explore, especially around the lake and numerous parks. The area is much greener than I've ever given it credit before, what with Central Milton Keynes being so full of concrete!
Away from the tour, but still within the Matilda bubble, rehearsals for our 20 new children got underway this week. I was there for their first afternoon of music calls, everyone fizzing with excitement! They'll be joining us for technical rehearsals from August.
July sees a new venture for the tour as we begin our 10-week sit-down at the Birmingham Hippodrome. A great theatre, a great city - let's hope the weather stays good for the entire duration! (not likely)